Anger Rising: The Importance of Battle
Tapping into Planetary Energy via Mind
How do we tap into planetary energy? What does this even mean? Electric energy drives our computers and appliances. Heat energy warms our homes. But planetary energy?
Is it even real? Probably not. The planets only exert a minimal gravitational effect upon us; and all the other fundamental physical forces, while powerful, only operate over short distances. Even if interacting electromagnetic fields were strong enough to have an effect, it is hard to imagine that the planets have any kind of personality, say an aggressive Mars or an artistic Venus.
Although virtual, planetary energy can be a potent force in our lives. The power of our massive neighbors to influence our lives derives from the Mind. The placebo effect can work miraculous cures due to belief alone. Similarly, the power of Mind can impart the planets with the power to transform our lives — in positive or negative ways.
Because of the Mind’s potency, Believers must exercise extreme caution. If they believe a negative prognostication, it might come to pass. Similarly, if the adherents have faith that it is good time to start a venture, they can use the planetary energy to make it happen. Both positive and negative outcomes could be called self-fulfilling prophesies. Due to the very real power of our mental projections, we must be very careful when employing astrology.
As belief is central to this power, planetary interaction will not affect Skeptics one way or another. They will be unable to take advantage of the motivational power of astrology, nor will they be victimized by it. While not as exciting, this route is safer — no problems from negative projections.
So how do we take advantage of and avoid the pitfalls of the current planetary energy?
The current battles going on in our solar system highlight a fascinating psycho-emotional-spiritual phenomenon — Anger, even Rage. In the coming weeks, the Mars/Uranus alliance in Taurus is in conflict with the Jupiter-Saturn alliance in Aquarius. Revolutionaries battle the Establishment. Rebellious forces challenge the Status Quo. Time to take a stand. There will be casualities. Dump the useless.
On the surface, these relationships reflect the devastating effects of COVID, i.e. financial, social and health. On deeper levels, these starry conflicts could easily represent the growing anger that people feel over inept leadership — the sense that they are not being taken care of. On more general levels, these random planetary movements could simply mirror the rising feeling of frustration-fury-rage at injustice, human ignorance, global warming, intolerance, genocide, unnecessary war, inordinate greed, eco-destruction, the degradations of modernity and, of course, racism and sexism. The list of things to be outraged, angered and discouraged by goes on and on. The planetary battles might also reflect a sense of personal frustration, unrelated to global events. We have many things to be mad about.
The question becomes: What is the appropriate response to these feelings of rage that emerge unbidden from the depths of our psyche? How should we deal with this urge that motivates to recklessly destroy the source of our frustration — even though absolute destruction is generally not in our best over-all interests? What is the best strategy to deal with this overwhelming emotion? How do we best manifest the anger symbolized by the planetary energy?
Many focus only upon the negative effects of anger. Feeling that nothing good comes of rage, they might counsel those who are victims of anger to a) meditate, b) count to ten, c) have a glass of wine, and/or 4) walk around the block, until their extreme emotional arousal passes and they return to their supposedly normal, tranquil selves. Yet another indication of this mindset is the Buddhist aphorism: “Anger hurts your self the most.”
But is anger really an aberration? If so, why does it exist? Why so prevalent? What purpose does it serve? Why do we have a well-developed emotional-bio-chemical network that ignites our fiery anger network — turning us into an out-of-control wreck.
Evolution chose to develop our emotional networks, all of them, including this one. Operating ever so gradually over hundreds of millions of years, she never makes mistakes. She always has a reason.
Why would Evolution choose Anger? In what way does this fierce and vengeful emotion enable our species and others to survive to pass on our gene pool? What is the positive to anger? Let us investigate one possible explanation.
Living creatures, including us, have two general types of systems — growth and protection. When one turns on, the other turns off, and vice versa. They are mutually exclusive. Our nervous system provides a classic example: our sympathetic (fight-flight) is related to protection and our parasympathetic is related to growth. The two systems do not work simultaneously.
Sometimes we humans can get trapped in the protection mode — generally an ego problem. We are afraid for the future and get rooted in our comfort zone — scared to move, stuck in a rut, stagnating and degenerating, desperately protecting nothing because it is all we have. At this point, the ridge is so high — we are sunk so deep in the trench, that there seems to be no way out.
And then time does his work. He provides an inevitable event, a catalyst that ignites our emotional fire. We are so angry that we lose our fear of the future. We are so mad that we throw caution to the winds. From a timid dormouse to an aggressive risk taker and all because of anger. Witness a wild animal, e.g. badger or raccoon, when they are cornered — first timidly running away and then snarling all teeth and claws.
So during the coming weeks when the Mars/Uranus alliance is fighting the Jupiter/Saturn alliance, let us employ this planetary energy to overthrow the Establishment. May we channel this anger to move out of our comfort zone to tackle the world in a constructive way. When things are bad enough, sometimes it is necessary to declare war. Anger provides the nerve to leave the protection mode and return to the growth mode. “I’m mad as Hell and won’t take it anymore.”
Use this mad energy to provide the courage to transform your world. Rather than a fault, anger is sometimes a sign of the need to tackle injustice fearlessly without regard for consequences. Rage provides the guts to fight tyranny and ignorance. Don’t be victimized by the anger of others. It is necessary to stand up for your rights.
We can also use this hostile planetary energy to go to battle with our personal Ego. Rather than succumb to negative habit patterns over and over again, it is the time to take a stand. Employ the planetary energy to resist self-destructive behavior and draw some lines. Extreme action is called for.
Rather than remaining stuck in Fear, time to reach out to embrace Change — personal transformation and growth. Use the power of the Mind to overthrow the delusions of our Person and return to Just Being. Believing is the basis of Doing.